fruit n. 1.实,果实 〔cf. berry, capsule, drupe, legume, nut, pome〕; 水果。 ★单数也可用作集合名词;复数指各种水果;作为食品时 fruit 是不可数名词。 2.〔sing., pl.〕结果,效果;〔常 pl.〕 产品,(…的)产物;收获;〔pl.〕收入,利益;〔古语〕小孙;年幼的人;小兽。 3.〔美俚〕容易受骗的人。 Forbidden fruit is sweet. 〔谚语〕禁果分外甜〔被禁止的东西更加吸引人〕。 fresh [dried] fruit鲜[干]果。 preserved fruit果脯。 bear fruit结果实,发生效果。 the fruits of one's labour 劳动果实。 the fruit of the body [loins, womb] 子女。 the fruits of the earth [ground] 土地的产物,农作物。 eat the bitter fruit of one's own doings [making] 自食其果。 Old fruit !〔英口〕喂,老兄〔对好朋友的招呼〕。 top one's fruit 把好水果盖在坏水果上面,粉饰门面。 vi.,vt. (使)结果实。
In places that produce rou dou kou, the pickled fruit are being eaten as snack 一般在产地当水果用的肉豆蔻是用盐或糖或加醋腌过的果肉?毒性小。
Foraging about, i found a bottle with some brandy left, for hands; and for myself i routed out some biscuits, some pickled fruits, a great bunch of raisins, and a piece of cheese 我找了半天,发现了一只酒瓶里还剩下一点点白兰地,打算拿给汉兹喝我为自己找到了一些干面包一些水果干一大把葡萄干和一块乳酪。